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About SFL

Brief Introduction to the School of Foreign Languages

School of Foreign Languages (SFL) of Wuhan Textile University, established in 2002is composed of Department of English Language and Literature, College English Teaching Center and English Language Learning Center(a Hubei Provincial model center), which is equipped with first-class language laboratories, translating laboratory, business training rooms and booth for simultaneous interpretation. SFL has been offering such foreign languages as English, French, and Japanese. What’s more, the faculty possesses fine ideology, creative educational philosophy, professional teaching methods and scientific research aptitude.

SFL has 110 faculty & staff members, among which are 102 full-time teachers, 30 professors, 8 with PH.D degrees. All the young teachers have master’s degree and over half of them studied abroad. The school dispatches some teachers to study further in famous universities at home and abroad each year and employs many authoritative scholars of foreign languages as visiting professors or university “Yangguang Scholar”.

The faculty in SFL has a strong scientific research aptitude. They have published over 500 theses in the last 3 years, 98 of which are on the national core journals; 24 on international and domestic academic conferences, 38 academic works (including monographs, translating books and textbooks), and 5 state-level Eleventh Five-Year Plan textbooks. A national social science fund project, 26 Provincial or University scientific research projects have been launched in SFL. Besides, SFL has 5 excellent courses and 3 high quality courses. We are awarded a teaching achievement prize at the provincial level and 3 teaching achievement prizes.  

SFL aims to foster the participants into applied and versatile talents who enjoy high level of professional capability, comprehensive quality, communication skills and application ability, focusing on strengthening their language foundations in characteristic teaching. In recent yearsour students have won a great number of prizes in English contests at provincial or state level. The English majors did fairly well in the Test for English Majors Band 4 and 8(TEM4 and TEM8). The passing rate is quite high.
